Benefits of Frank n Al Original Chai Blend
Chai contains ingredients such as Cinnamon that is full of antioxidants, polyphenols, which help prevent or delay cell damage by neutralising free radicals. It can reduce blood pressure when consumed consistently for 8 weeks. 1.5gms per day reduces total cholesterol and reduces blood sugar levels by slowing down the breakdown of carbohydrates in your digestive
tract. Cinnamon is also toxic to cancer cells. It is also a great anti-inflammatory so helps with muscular aches and pains and any other
inflammation in the body.
The nutmeg , Cardamom, Ginger and Cloves helps with sleep and reduce anxiety. Cardamom has high levels of vitamin C and other nutrients that are great for keeping your immune system healthy. Chai is great for your digestion, has anti viral and anti bacterial properties, improves your cognitive function, has calcium and vitamin D that are both great for you bone health.
So many amazing benefits and it all tastes beautiful too… bonus!

Benefits of Frank n Al Cacao Chai Blend
Cacao contains mood boosting Theobromine, lowers your cortisol levels (stress hormone) and can help with mild to moderate depression. It contains 40 times the antioxidants of blueberries & is great for balancing out your hormones as it contains magnesium which is necessary for calcium absorption, protein synthesis, strong teeth and bones and healthy muscles.
Magnesium also reduces hot flushes and night sweats in menopausal women. It has more calcium than cow’s milk and is a natural mood elevator. Great for you heart health it contains flavonoids which help lower blood pressure and reduce inflammation.
It is low in calories, free from sugar and has many nutrients like B group vitamins which are great for cognitive function and overall cellular health, vitamin A, Iron, Zinc, calcium and of course magnesium.

Benefits of Frank n Al Yerba Maté Chai Blend
Yerba Maté is a South American tea leaf. It is known for its energy giving properties. Full of antioxidants. It contains vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, C and E. Full of Polyphenols and flavanoids. Contains minerals, potassium, magnesium, calcium, manganese, iron, selenium, phosphorous and zinc.
It also contains theobromine that lowers your cortisol levels (stress hormone) and caffeine but it doesn’t give you the jitters or crash. It has been shown to increase bone density, great for calcium absorption and lowers incidents of night sweats and hot flushes. Yerba has been identified as a potential therapy for onset of obesity - post menopause.